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Beauty and the BEAST choices

You wanna get your ticket to the HOTTEST Halloween party of the year?! Just choose your track below!

Pick your pack out of the options below. There is a whole lot of goodness on sale for the month of September to help get you started and on your way to the BEST you there can be! There truly is something for everyone here, whether you are a beginner or have been crushing it for a while, but if you do not see something that interests you then please email me at

All of the packs will come with Shakeology to help you nail down your nutrition, get the results you are working for. You get to pick which flavor you want to kick your candy addiction with!

HENCHMEN TRACK: Really wanting to work on being the BEASTest of the BEASTS.... then this is for you! Don't think this is just for dudes either. Babes can totally rock this program and hit their muscle Mama goals too! CLICK HERE!

SEXY COSTUME PREP TRACK: Wanting to slim down? Do you want

to dial in your nutrition with an easy to follow portion control system? Are you looking for effective and efficient workouts? Learning how to effectively build muscle and lean out like this award winning national bikini competitor? Then the ground breaking 21 Day Fix is on sale this month and will help you get lean so when you put on that Halloween costume you feel as good as you look! CLICK HERE!!

If you have already done the 21 Day Fix OR are looking for a CHALLENGE then there is a step up for you. Get the 21 Day Fix EXTREME Pack Here!

MONSTER MASH TRACK: This is what I'll be doing! I got the best results of any program I've ever done using Hammer & Chisel at the first of this year. I felt strong and lean and dropped 2 pants sizes in 60 days. It's weights, it's DIALED in nutrition. CLICK HERE!!

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