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Writer's pictureDanielle Porter

Coasting in Neutral or Content with Where I am

I’ve always had these big ideas. These grand aspirations. One of those “she believed she could and so she did” kinda women.

In 2019 & 20, my grand aspiration was my book. A Whole & Nourished Life

I felt called by God to begin writing and all of it flowed so gracefully. It was a collection of the lessons God was teaching me through my health and fitness journey.

Although publishing was far from easy and presented many obstacles, it was done, the book was printed, and I learned so much through that process. But much like birthing a baby, imma need some time before that womb is ready again.

A year later I had book signings and led a Women’s Study with my church with the book as the main focus. Again stretching and getting out of my comfort zone.

In 2020, my coaching business blossomed and Team Nourished became an elite coaching team for the first time in 6 years. My team helped so many lives in just one year. My fellow coaches grew and flourished.

In 2021, I expanded my business in other ways. I worked hard with experts and hired employees to expand my goals and my brand. I wanted to reach more people, help more women. I focused on more blogs and more podcasts. I tried new things. I jumped started my big ideas.

In 2021, I’ve also had the opportunity to travel a bit. I went home to Virginia where I saw family, friends, and had that first and second book signing.

I went to Texas for the BeachBody Summit. I was inspired, moved, and motivated by all of the trainers and leaders there. It was refreshing to see my team. Y’all, I needed that Summit. Like getting the first shower after a long drought it was SO needed.

In October I went to another business conference, this one specifically for high level leaders and was again refreshed and renewed… but I left with a new feeling… one I’m not sure I quite yet understand or am comfortable with. It’s not a BAD feeling or a “this isn’t for me” feeling. Actually quite the contrary. I’m MORE solidified in my mission to help other women feel the same feeling of freedom with food, joy in their soul and living a life of intention. But I feel like that “goal” always had a specific shape, and now I feel like it’s sorta amoeba shaped, with its edges shifting and changing.

As I’ve gotten older I find myself reaching out for experts more often. I seek wise counsel. NO that doesn’t mean I’m trolling the internet for random people’s ideas (although sometimes I do do that LOL but not for things that actually affect my soul). For those things I follow the advice of Proverbs 15:22 “Without counsel plans fail, but with many advisers they succeed”.

I even started reading Danielle LaPorte’s Desire Map. There are definitely some pieces there that are stirring up direction.

Growth is important to me. It's kinda how I do things. I didn’t get into health coaching to just lose some weight and drink some smoothies. I committed myself to growth from the inside out.

But I’ll be vulnerable: I don’t know what it is next. It's a blessing and a curse to have so many options and directions to go.

Daily I am doing the work, questioning, exploring, saying yes, saying no, listening, waiting, praying, asking God to fill me with HIS plan and HIS guidance. Not what other people’s imparted goals are or what my peers are doing.

I will ask you - readers, friends - to pray with me. Pray for God to continue opening doors and for me to continue to be alert and responsive as he grows me and my ministry in new ways.

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