Personal Development Recommendations
These books have helped me grow and develop as a weightloss specialist, nutrition counselor & health and fitness coach.
New Coaches:
**The Slight Edge- Jeff Olsen** (new coaches)
You are a Badass- Jen Sincero
The Energy Bus- Jon Gordon
The Go Giver- Bob Burg & John David Mann
The Gift of Imperfections- Brene Brown
Rock Your Network Marketing Business- Sarah Robbins
The Compound Effect- Darren Hardy
The Entrepreneur Rollercoaster- Darren Hardy
How Successful People Lead (or Grow)- John C Maxwell
Intentional Living- John C Maxwell
Girl Wash Your Face - Rachel Hollis
The 10x Rule: The Only Difference Between Success and Failure- Grant Cardone
Unbeatable Mind- Mark Divine
Awaken The Giant Within- Tony Robbins
Failing Forward- John C Maxwell
How Successful People Grow- John C Maxwell
How Successful People Think- John C Maxwell
Intentional Living- John C Maxwell
Make It Happen- Lara Casey
Attitude 101- John C Maxwell
Motivation- Brian Tracy
The Energy Bus- Jon Gordon
Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life- Brian Tracy
Kiss that Frog (turning negatives into positives)- Brian Tracy
Thinking BIG- Brian Tracy
The School of Greatness: A Real-World Guide to Living Bigger, Loving Deeper and Leaving a Legacy- Lewis Howes
Power of Thinking Big: Believe and You Shall Achieve- Thomas Abreu
Train Your Brain to Get Happy- Teresa Aubele
PUSH- Chalene Johnson (
Leadership/Entrepreneurship/Relationship Building:
The Entrepreneur Rollercoaster- Darren Hardy
EntreLeadership- Dave Ramsey
How Successful People Lead- John C Maxwell
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People- Stephen Covey
21 Laws of Irrefutable Leadership- John C Maxwell (book & workbook)
Entrepreneur Blueprint to Massive Success- Peter Voogd
How to Win Friends and Influence People-Dale Carnegie
Winning with People- John C Maxwell
#GirlBoss- Sophia Amoruso
The Go Giver- Bob Burg & John David Mann
Rock Your Network Marketing Business- Sarah Robbins
The Leadership Playbook: Creating a Coaching Culture to Build Winning Teams- Nathan Jamail
Go Pro: 7 Steps to Becoming a Network Marketing Professional- Eric Worre
Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action- Simon Sinek
The Five Love Languages- Gary Chapman
Confidence/Self worth/Vulnerability/Authenticity:
The Gift of Imperfections- Brene Brown
Rising Strong- Brene Brown
Unlimited- Jillian Michaels
Spirit Junkie: A Radical Road to Self-Love and Miracles- Gabrielle Bernstein
Unstuck- James Gordon
Daring Greatly: How the Courage to Be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent and Lead- Brene Brown
Awaken The Giant Within- Tony Robbins
Intentional Living- John C Maxwell
The Power of Self-Confidence- Brian Tracy
Speak to WIN- Brian Tracy
Organization/Time Management:
Eat That Frog- Brian Tracy
The Morning Miracle- Hal Elrod
No Excuses: The Power of Self Discipline- Brian Tracy
Time Power- Brian Tracy
The Power of Habit- Charles Duhigg
The Procrastination Equation- Piers Steel
Social Media:
Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook- Gary Vaynerchuck
The Art of Social Media: Power Tips for Power Users- Guy Kawasaki
Social Media: Master Social Media Marketing- Grant Kennedy
Unusually Effective- Akshay Desai
The Charged Life- Brendon Burchard
Entrepreneur on Fire-John Lee Dumas
The Business of Life Podcast- Keith Callahan
The Chalene Show- Chalene Johnson
Build Your Tribe- Chalene Johnson
MWF Motivation Podcast- Rob Dial
Operation Self Reset/Self Help 101- Jake Nawrocki
Team Beachbody Podcast
YouTube recommendations:
Brendon Burchard, Tony Robbins, John C Maxwell, Joel Osteen, Dave Ramsey, Gary Vaynerchuck, TED TALKS, Les Brown