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Danielle P

Program Press Release

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Date: September 23, 2015

Contact: Danielle Porter Telephone: 804-200-3977

E-mail: Web site:

Help for reducing your risk of Type 2 Diabetes Nourish 927 and the Montgomery County Health Department partners to combat Type 2 diabetes risk in middle Tennessee. Type 2 diabetes is one of the fastest growing chronic diseases in the United States.1 In the last 5 years rates of diagnosed cases rose worldwide, 5% to 6.2%, or 328 million.2 In order to combat that growing rate, Nourish 927 in union with the Montgomery County Health Department are joining forces to show middle Tennessee and Fort Campbell, KY citizens that they are in control of many of the risk factors.

They will be working together in a social media push to educate the people of Montgomery County and Fort Campbell about their risk factors for Type 2 diabetes and what they can do to reduce them. Some of the more easily controlled risk factors are obesity, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and an inactive lifestyle.3

They will also be offering easy ways for people to change their life choices in an effort to reduce their risks. Stage 1 of this program will include social media information sharing through local Facebook groups to provide info. Stage 2 asks those wanting to know more to reach out to Nourish 927 or the Montgomery County Health Department so that they have local help.

In March of 2015 Gov. Bill Haslam and Rick Johnson, joined by reps from nine cities and counties across the state, launched Healthier Tennessee Communities, a program that supports physical activity, healthy eating and stopping smoking locally.

“Research has shown that we are much more likely to change our health-related behavior and establish healthy habits when we are encouraged and supported by others – when we are in community,” Johnson said. “That’s why making health and wellness an integral part of life where you live – and with the people who surround you – can make such a big difference.”4

Montgomery County was one of the nine cities involved in Gov. Haslam’s community program and the program by Nourish 927 and the Health Dept. fit the larger TN goals of a healthier overall community. Nourish 927 is a local health and wellness coaching business that has had many successful lifestyle change programs that have lead to a big decrease in Type 2 diabetes risk factors.

Helping the pop. of Montgomery County and Fort Campbell lower their risk of Type 2 diabetes not only makes for a healthier town, but also hopes to lower the medical costs for treating risk factors at home.

Those wanting in learning more about lowering their risk factors for Type 2 diabetes can call the Montgomery County Health Department at (931) 648-5747 or visit for more information. Be on the lookout in your local Facebook groups for info as well. Nourish 927 exists to help people build resilient lives focusing on nutrition, fitness and mental resiliency.



  1. 1. Diabetes | Healthy People 2020. 2015. Available at: Accessed September 3, 2015.

  2. Accessed September 3, 2015.

  3. Am I at Risk for Type 2 Diabetes? Taking Steps to Lower Your Risk of Getting Diabetes. 2015. Available at: Accessed September 3, 2015.

  4. Clarksville, TN Online. Governor Bill Haslam Launches Healthier Tennessee Communities. 2015. Available at: Accessed September 23, 2015.

SMOG readability rating: 9.1

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